micro wedding photographer bristol

Love in a time of Coronavirus – my 2020 highlights

So then. 2020. Where to begin with this one… I was trying to find a single adjective to describe the last year. Tough? Gruelling? Challenging maybe… undoubtedly all of those things. But sometimes inspiring too. Sometimes unexpectedly beautiful. Definitely emotional. Turns out it’s hard to categorise it. A mish mash of mixed emotions and experiences. But one thing has shone brightly through all the darkness – the weddings I’ve documented. Looking back on it now, some of them seem almost from a different era – completely without any notion of covid at all. Some just on the cusp of a pandemic, and some right slap bang in the middle of it. This has been such a difficult year for anyone planning a wedding. And it’s been a difficult year for all those involved in helping weddings happen. Venues, caterers, performers, make up artists, bands, photo and video people and all manner of other jobs have been hugely impacted. But every time I’ve photographed a wedding this year it’s felt truly special. Call them whatever you like – intimate weddings, micro weddings, mini weddings. They are a triumph over adversity. A declaration of love even in the most trying of times. This year’s highlights post is markedly different to any I’ve made before. It’s smaller, for one thing. All day weddings have turned into one or two hour events. Many have understandably postponed till next year, or the year after. But despite the fewer images, and the complexities of working and shooting in a covid safe way, it remains a testament to the couples who said ‘i do’ during this historic year. I have the utmost sympathy for those who’ve decided to wait, and the utmost admiration for those who persevered despite the frustrations of trying to plan anything during a pandemic. As we start to look forward to 2021, and things begin to seem a little brighter for events in the coming months, I wanted to show what the year has looked like for me and for the couples I’ve worked with. So here it is…. Happy Christmas everyone. And hats off to you all. Have a good one, whatever it may look like. And Happy New Year x