a goldney hall wedding – jo & will’s bristol wedding
Since April (when I last blogged – yikes) I’ve shot a lot of weddings, moved house, shot some more weddings and been to my sister’s wedding! It’s been great fun (except maybe the house moving bit) but I’ve been completely rubbish at showing you what I’ve been up to. So to make amends here is Jo & Will’s wedding from back in May at the beautiful Goldney Hall in Bristol. Goldney has a beautiful orangery and some stunning gardens to boot. Jo & Will were fab (they’d had their engagement shoot in possibly the rainiest, windiest conditions I’ve ever shot in, so they were well trained) and they made me feel totally welcome. Lovely family and friends, design and illustration all by Will himself and the flowers all by Jo’s talented mum topped off the rest of the day and the evening music was from Benoit Viellefon (a man who was born 7 decades too late) and his Orchestra – I’d not met them before but they were brilliant. All in all a bloomin’ great day. Congrats guys!
P.S More to come soon (I promise!)