Well it’s been a busy year, to put it mildly! Things are starting to calm down just a little now as we head into winter, although I’ve got some lovely weddings coming up before Christmas and in the New Year. On Saturday I was down near Totnes at the very lovely Kingston Estate. It’s a relatively new venue, the owners Jamie and Sarah haven’t been there long, but I can tell it has a bright future – a gorgeous house set in beautiful formal gardens surrounded by lovely Devon countryside. What’s not to like?! Georgina and Dave chose to get married there and they chose to have me as their photographer. Considering Georgina is a wedding photographer herself that made it a pretty huge honour. This is a little preview of their day. I joined the girls in the morning as they were getting ready, with Georgina probably finding it a little weird being on the other side of the camera to start with! The day outside was beautiful, crisp autumn weather with lovely orangey leaves everywhere. I then found Dave just next door to the ceremony room, writing (I mean, practicing, yes practicing) his speech for later on. The ceremony was beautiful, with little pinecones and candles scattered around and a sea of happy faces watching the proceedings. And then the party started! Drinks, nibbles and laughter followed and we made the most of the beautiful weather and headed out into the gardens. Being Georgina and Dave’s wedding photographer at the Kingston Estate was a really lovely experience – thank you so much guys!

wedding shoes at a kingston estate wedding flower girl looking in the mirror bride looking in the mirror kingston estate wedding groom walking through the kingston estate kingston estate wedding ceremony kingston estate wedding champagne at the kingston estate wedding reception at the kingston estate the kingston estate bride and groom at the kingston estate wedding guests at the kingston estate bride and groom portraits at kingston estate wedding portrait at the kingston estate wedding breakfast at kingston estate georgina and dave preview-17 georgina and dave preview-18 georgina and dave preview-19 night portrait of bride and groom at kingston estate