borough market engagement shoot london
A few weeks back I went down to London for an engagement shoot with jenni and will. They’d chosen the Southbank and Borough Market as the location (one which I heartily approved of I might add, I’m never averse to a trip to borough market!). We set out on a crisp, sunny winter’s morning and rambled along a pretty quiet riverfront. We stopped and took some pictures, chatted about their lives, their jobs and their wedding plans. Then we got to borough market and had a proper mooch around, eyeing up expensive truffles and even more expensive italian hams. And then we wandered back again. It was one of those mornings that doesn’t really feel like work – and to top it all off they bought us the biggest lunch I’ve seen in a long time at a great mexican street food restaurant. What better way to spend a day?! We talked about Will’s time working abroad and what they had left to organise for the wedding, and then we left, stuffed with mexican tapas and parted ways. Here’s my highlights from their set: